Peace, Love & Butterflies

Burnout is a hard look to wear. So avoid it.

Engage with peace.

Engage with love.

Engage with butterflies.

And be happy.

Life is awesome. Always. Let’s go live it.


Now I know it’s been a while since I put thought to paper. That doesn’t mean that I’ve been thought-free over this time. But rather, so very overwhelmed, by the montage of thoughts that traverse through my mind on a daily basis, that I’ve been incapable of articulating anything, let alone something that justifies being put to paper.

I started this blog with the best intentions. To be diligent when it came to posting pieces on a regular basis, as well as attempting to be funny or engaging.  I mean, why would anyone read this if I wasn’t?

No pressure at all, right?

Sadly, I’ve come to the halting realisation, all good intentions aside, that when racing from one deadline to the next, somethings got to give.

I know that I am not the only one caught up in this crazy cycle of being “busy”. This has become very apparent to me, not only from conversations with friends but also from the feedback I received on the previous posts. So here’s the burning question – If we all feel the same frustrations of being  so busy being “busy” that we don’t have time to just be, then why are we not challenging these norms?

I come from a generation that was encouraged to speak our mind, blaze our own pathways and always expect to exceed even our own expectations. This alone should give us the confidence to take back our power, the power we have relinquished so easily, to the conventional and predictable.

Now I know that nothing that I am saying here is particularly groundbreaking or insightful. We are all fully aware of our state of being.  Aware but not engaged.  Awareness is wonderful. But only when followed by a form of engagement that prepares the way for change. Who wants to be constantly aware of everything that’s “wrong” without a way to make it right? Not me, that’s for damn sure. So as of right now, this minute, I commit to being engaged with life, instead of waiting and watching the world go by.

I will make time, to take time out. Time to sharpen my metaphorical sword. So as to be able to achieve more with the time I have. I challenge you all to do the same.

Burnout is a hard look to wear. So avoid it.

Engage with peace.

Engage with love.

Engage with butterflies.

And be happy.

Life is awesome. Always. Let’s go live it.


3 thoughts on “Peace, Love & Butterflies

    1. Ahh TASH, this made my day! I have always admired your writing. You have a gift to enlighten souls and spread smiles like wild fire. Had no idea you had a blog, I will be sure to get my fix here for Peace Love and Butterflies

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